News da Seifert

    Visit of international academics

    A group of international academics visited Seifert Systems Malta

    MCAST students visit Seifert Systems Malta

    A group of MCAST students following studies in Advanced Diploma in Robotics, Drone Technology, Automation and AI were hosted for a visit at Seifert Systems

    Meet your employer

    The event was open to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students studying at the University of Malta.

    European Dual Higher Education Conference (EU4Dual)

    Michael Seifert has been elected the Chairperson of the Governing Board

    DMG MORI Partner Award 2024

    Seifert Systems awarded for Outstanding Performance by DMG MORI

    European Parliament President

    EP President Roberta Metsola visits Seifert Systems Ltd.

    SPS - Smart Production Solutions 2023

    Anche quest'anno Seifert Systems è arrivata alla SPS di Norimberga.

    New Head of Procurement and Logistic

    Roland Holzmann has recently joined Seifert Systems Malta, as Head of Procurement and Logistics.

    MCAST Freshers' week

    Seifert Systems will be taking part in this year’s MCAST Freshers’ week between the 9th and 11th October.

    UL508A Certification

    Seifert ha completato con successo il processo di certificazione per il programma Shop di pannelli di controllo industriale (ICP) UL 508A.

    German Ambassador visit

    Seifert Systems Ltd. hosted the German Ambassador, HE Tanja Beyer 

    Cricket team sponsoring

    Seifert Systems Ltd is one of the sponsors for Victoria Lions cricket Club

    Henley Alumni Association

    Seifert Systems hosted a group of visitors from the Henley Alumni Association for a visit

    Hospice Malta

    Seifert Systems employees donate in aid of the Hospice Malta


    Our long-term partner and distributor in Austria, Gogatec, celebrated its 20th anniversary

    Engineering conference

    Seifert Systems sponsoring the Engineering Conference


    Malta Chamber and Malta Enterprise video about Seifert Systems Ltd.

    Visit by the Leader of the opposition Dr Bernard Grech

    Dr Grech was welcomed by Seifert Group CEO Mr Michael R. Seifert.

    Mechanical Engineering students visit Seifert Systems

    Groups of 1st year students visited Seifert Sytems Malta premises on 10th and 17th May 2023

    Official Smart Factory Opening

    More than 300 guests from all over the world took part in the opening event

    Seifert Systems Ltd and HSBC in this year’s CSR week

    Seifert Systems Ltd partnered with HSBC in this year’s CSR week.

    Chamber of Engineers visits Seifert Systems

    The active outreach of the Chamber of Engineers towards the industry continued with a visit to Seifert Systems.

    Nuovo distributore per la Svezia

    OEM AUTOMATIC AB nuovo distributore per i prodotti Seifert Systems in Svezia

    EfVET Conference in Kuopio Finland

    Seifert Group Chairman and CEO, Michael Seifert as a guest panel speaker

    The Federal President of Germany on a visit to Malta

    Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits Seifert Systems Malta.

    CFO appointment

    Seifert Systems Ltd appoints Eemer Bugeja as Group CFO

    iShelf System bei Seifert Malta installiert

    Another milestone in the history of the Seifert Group and the next step towards Industry 4.0.

    Anche Seifert Systems Malta è stata climaticamente neutrale nel 2021

    La neutralità climatica come obiettivo. Anche Seifert Systems Malta è stata climaticamente neutrale nel 2021

    The new Smart Factory in 3D

    Fai un tour in 3D attraverso la nostra nuova Smart Factory

    Tecnologia di automazione completa nella nuova Smart Factory - Seifert Systems Malta investe nel futuro

    Seifert Malta ha iniziato la costruzione del suo nuovo capannone di produzione e magazzino con un totale di 2900 m².

    Seifert Systems Malta è neutrale per il clima nel 2020

    Il cambiamento climatico non può essere fermato da una sola azienda, ma Seifert Systems sta aiutando a prestare maggiore attenzione all'ambiente.

    Chiller / Recooler per una crescita strategica

    Il signor Sascha Blaschik, ingegnere frigorista, è il nuovo esperto di chiller per Seifert Systems GmbH in Germania.

    In ricordo e silenziosa gratitudine all'Ing. Rolf Seifert

    Il Gruppo Seifert Systems saluta il suo fondatore

    Seifert Systems Austria

    The second quarter of 2021 begins with good news for the Seifert Group, which is another important building block for the further development and expansion of market shares.

    Seifert Malta turns 30 today

    Seifert Systems Malta Ltd. was officially inaugurated on 5th March 1991. Happy Birthday to all Maltese employees! Thank you all for your dedication and service along this wonderful journey.

    Facendo business in Malta

    Times of Malta - Articolo sulle società tedesche a Malta. Seifert Systems, con sede a Malta da 30 anni, ovviamente non dovrebbe mancare.

    Video - Erfolgsgeschichten aus Malta

    TradeMalta Limited, ein Joint Venture der Regierung und der Industrie- und Handelskammer Malta's, hat 10 Unternehmen ausgewählt um sich in einem kurzen Video vorstellen zu können.


    Seifert Systems continues to produce. Our various sales and production locations are fully operational and we are producing, shipping and logistics are unchanged.

    SPS Trade show 2019

    The for allready 30 years well established trade fair now has a new name: SPS - Smart Production Solutions. With its unique concept the SPS shows the whole spectrum of smart and digital automation:

    30 Jahre Seifert Schweiz

    Photovoltaikanlage in Malta geht in Betrieb

    50 Jahre Schaltschrankklimatisierung

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