Malta – Germany Business Symposium

    Tapping the German market

    Seifert Systems CEO and Group Chairman, Mr Michael R. Seifert was a panel speaker at an event organised by the German - Maltese Business Chamber with the theme: Bridging Markets: Malta – Germany Business Symposium, on Monday, 7th October. 

    The other panel speakers were Ms Helga Ellul, former CEO of Playmobil Malta and Ing Maria Cilia, CEO of Lufthansa Technic Malta Ltd. The discussion was moderated by Ms Rachel Bondi Attard. Other speakers included Mr Sven Olaf Rieck, Head of Economic Affairs, Media and PR at the German Embassy in Malta, and Sebastian Euchenhofer, Team Leader, Market and Business Development, AHK, and besides Mr Chris Vassallo Cesareo, President of the Malta Chamber, who opened the event with an introductory speech.

    This was an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand access to avenues and tools that are being made available to the Maltese business community in tapping the German market. This initiative follows up on a growing momentum generated by the Chamber’s German - Maltese Business Council over the past months.
    Mr Philipp Seifert is president of the German-Maltese Business Council. Monday’s event was held at the Meridiana Estate, Ta Qali, and came to an end with a networking reception.

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