Chamber of Engineers meets Seifert Systems Malta

    Visit to Seifert

    On 22nd February, the active outreach of the Chamber of Engineers towards the industry continued with a visit to Seifert Systems Ltd hosted by Mr Michael Seifert – Chairman & CEO, Mr Philipp Seifert – Production Operations Manager, Inġ. Stanley Zammit – Industry 4.0 Smart-Factory Manager and Mr Ivan Refalo – HR Manager.
    The Chamber was represented by Inġ. Malcolm Zammit – President and Dr Inġ. Bonnie Attard – Secretary General.

    Seifert Systems shared with the Chamber their 30+ years of key technological activities in Malta and plans for further vertical integration, the industry 4.0 transition and career opportunities. This presentation was tied with a discussion on the fundamental importance of engineers and technical personnel to ensure the growth and fostering of technical competencies for the manufacturing of state-of-the-art thermal management systems.

    The Chamber highlighted its vision to be closer to the manufacturing industry while emphasizing on the importance of membership of engineers and technicians within the Chamber to ensure a stronger profession as well as better representation of various sectors in industry.

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