Seifert Systems receives the Sustainability Partner Award 2024

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    DMG MORI invited partners and suppliers to the “Partner Summit” on the occasion of the traditional Open House in Pfronten, Germany at the start of the year. Seven DMG MORI Partner Awards were presented as special recognition for outstanding achievements. Seifert Systems was one of the award winners, having been recognized for achievements in Sustainability. In particular, the Carbon Neutrality achieved at Seifert Systems Malta continually since 2020 was one of the key factors for being selected for this prestigious award amongst the hundreds of global suppliers and partners of DMG MORI.

    Dr. Eng. Masahiko Mori, Chairman of DMG Mori Supervisory Board said: “With the MX – Machining Transformation strategy, DMG MORI is driving innovation and technology in machine tool manufacturing. We are constantly evolving. Our partners have the courage to accompany us on this challenging path to develop new ideas together and to optimize existing processes.”

    Alfred Geißler, DMG MORI CEO added: “Our suppliers and partners make a decisive contribution to the success of DMG MORI with their products and ideas. With our DMG MORI Partner Awards we want to thank them for their outstanding cooperation – for the high quality, reliability and strong innovative power."

    Michael R. Seifert, Group Chairman and CEO of Seifert Systems expressed his pride and satisfaction on receiving this awards saying “Such an achievement and being in the same group of huge multinational companies awarded really humbles us and at the same time convinces us that the way to grow and survive is through sustainable development. 

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