German Ambassador visit

    The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, HE Tanja Beyer visited Seifert

    Seifert Systems Ltd. hosted the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, HE Tanja Beyer, for a visit to the Company facility in Hal Far.

    Seifert Malta is a leading manufacturer of cooling systems in industry. Michael Seifert, owner and chairperson of the family-owned company, led Ambassador Tanja Beyer on a factory tour and explained in detail the different stages of production of the various products. The enterprise is globally active and takes ESG policies (environmental, social, governance) very seriously. For a company with 450 employees from 26 nations, social issues and taking care of individuals, is an important factor to ensure an excellent working atmosphere to motivate and retain highly qualified staff. Furthermore,

    Seifert Malta was the first manufacturing company on the island to be certified CO₂ neutral. Mr Seifert and his team always strive to optimise the products, production processes and distribution channels in order to increase efficiency all-round, and to reduce the Carbon footprint along the way. As an added benefit this can also reduce costs in the medium term.

    Mr Seifert emphasised that he considered the upholding of ESG values as a personal responsibility adding “we want to actively shape our own future and that of future generations so that it is worth living in”.

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