MCAST students visit Seifert Systems Malta

    Seifert actively supports MCAST

    A group of MCAST students following studies in Advanced Diploma in Robotics, Drone Technology, Automation and AI were hosted for a visit at Seifert Systems in Hal Far, Malta. During this visit, the ADR students had the opportunity to view first-hand and experience in one place R&D product design from concept (mechanical and electrical), product testing / qualification such as climate chambers according to international certifications, various production processes, customer support, and environmentally friendly measures to reduce waste and re-use approach. Special emphasis was given during the visit to the EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) department, which was set up only a few months ago.

    The students could relate the visit to their course of study specifically due to PCB manufacturing processes such as SMT assembly equipment, automated selective soldering, microcontroller programming, product tracing and the use of AI to check the assembled PCBs.

    Seifert has invested heavily in recent years in latest technology all round. A new Smart Factory sheet metal processing factory was inaugurated in April 2023.  Since then a new factory manufacturing PCBs has been added to the already wide array of production processes covered by Seifert at the Malta plant. Seifert actively supports MCAST and in employs several apprentices following their studies at various levels at the same institution.

    The MCAST students were led by lecturer Ing Johann Galea.

    MCAST visit pictures

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